Tag Timerunning Pandaria

John Barrymore April 13, 2024 3 minutes
In the blog post, we explore the cosmetic rewards available in the Timerunning Pandaria of Dragonflight Patch 10.2.7. Players can now obtain recolored versions of the class-specific three-piece armor set and weapon arsenals from the Trading Post by completing specific Timerunning meta achievements. This provides players with more options and flexibility in earning these sets.
John Barrymore April 12, 2024 5 minutes
This blog post provides a comprehensive list of the mounts available for purchase with Bronze in Timerunning: Pandaria. It includes information on prices, sources, and requirements for each mount, as well as previews of the new Pandaria Remix mounts. There are also rare Mists of Pandaria mounts available from the vendor, but they are more expensive and require a higher level.
John Barrymore April 10, 2024 3 minutes
This blog post discusses the datamined return of raid buff scrolls, such as Mystic Touch, Chaos Brand, and various other buffs, in Patch 10.2.7 PTR. The author speculates that these scrolls might be reintroduced for Timerunning raids, where smaller raid groups may be used.